
The error is :

[ERROR] [Storage$] Error initializing storage client for source PGSQL

I think you need to change it to HBASE if you want to use HBase


in your pio-env.sh

And start HBase before if not using the pio-start-all script.

If you want to use PostreSQL pio-start-all attempt to start it too.

2017-03-26 19:29 GMT+04:00 Vaghawan Ojha <vaghawan...@gmail.com>:

> I followed the procedure of manual install, everything was fine until I
> stumbled into the pio build.
> I've a directory something like this /abc/pio0.0.10/pio and inside that
> another dir pio, in total it would be like :
> /abc/pio0.0.10/pio /
> where do I actually run build? inside /abc/pio0.0.10 or /abc/pio0.0.10/pio
> / ?
> I don't know but I get some weird errors which I can't properly diagnose.
> I"ve attached my log file here. I've followed to load the engine template.
> here http://predictionio.incubator.apache.org/templates/recommendation/
> quickstart/

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