Yes, and if you get it running, feel free to submit it back to the gallery by 
updating the docs in a PR. So others can get the benefit of your work.

To update docs fork PredictionIO and edit the livedoc branch to create a PR 
against the Apache PIO livedoc branch. Then a committer will merge to get it in 
the template gallery, that way it will not be flagged as needing upgrade to 
Apache PIO, etc. But your forked repo will be the one people go to

On Aug 1, 2017, at 7:07 AM, Dominik Bartkowski <> wrote:

I solved this issue, upgrading the imports. I followed this example:

Sorry for spaming. 
With best regards, 
Dominik Bartkowski

On 1 August 2017 at 14:44, Dominik Bartkowski < 
<>> wrote:
Dear All, 

I am new to predictionio and I would like to learn how to use it, playing with 
the existing templates 
<>. Some of 
these templates are marked as "already compatible", others as "requires 
conversion" (there is a column called 'Apache PIO Convesion Required'). 

I would like to use the template called "Viewed this bought that", and this one 
needs to be converted.

So, how do we convert a template? 
How to make it compatible with the current version of predictionio? 

With best regards, 
Dominik Bartkowski

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