I am going let Abhay or Madhan to comment on #1 and #2. 


Regarding #3, the goal was to emulate grant/revoke. And also (if possible) 
consolidate the policies for same resources for different users.







From: Eric Alton <sultanapea...@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: <user@ranger.apache.org>
Date: Friday, August 18, 2017 at 11:34 AM
To: "user@ranger.apache.org" <user@ranger.apache.org>
Subject: Re: APIs to create, update, and delete policies


Thank you both. I used grantPrivileges and revokePrivileges as a guide to code 
up my own grant and revoke which call RangerBasePlugin.grantAccess() and 
revokeAccess(). I have a few questions about this:

RangerBasePlugin.revokeAccess() does not appear to have an option to drop the 
policy. When a user creates and later drops a table, I am left with a policy 
with no permission set. Semantically this is fine, but I would prefer to have 
these policies dropped. Is there any way to do this? Playing around with 
replaceExistingPermissions did not help.
What is GrantRevokeRequest.requestData used for?
Using the RangerBasePlugin.grantAccess() method, there is no way to provide a 
policy name, correct?




From: Don Bosco Durai <bo...@apache.org>
Sent: August 14, 2017 10:06 PM
To: user@ranger.apache.org
Subject: Re: APIs to create, update, and delete policies 




Seems you are trying to emulate ownership concept in Ranger. Historically, we 
have been staying away from owner concept. Generally, in an enterprise, tables 
are owned by the group, rather than an individual and also there could be 
separation of duties. If you want individuals to own, then you can come with 
reg ex patterns, e.g.  john_* for user john. In this way, john can create, 
update and delete any table starting with john_ for the given database. Or 
create database per user and the user owns all the tables within her/his 
database. This will not address transferring owner ship though.


But if you want to use ownership concept, then one way to reliably implement 
this one is to override Ranger plugin implementation. You can look into the 
class RangerHiveAuthorizer  for override methods for authorization. You should 
also look into the method public void grantPrivileges() where the grant/revoke 
is handled.







From: Abhay Kulkarni <akulka...@hortonworks.com>
Reply-To: <user@ranger.apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 4:41 PM
To: "user@ranger.apache.org" <user@ranger.apache.org>
Subject: Re: APIs to create, update, and delete policies


Hi Eric,


REST APIs is the general way to programmatically create, delete, update 
policies in Ranger. There are no Java APIs for this.


You may want to take a look at this document for a list of REST APIs for 
managing services and policies. It is possible to use either policy-id or 
service-name and policy-name to update existing policy. Also, you may want to 
look at applyPolicy() API which may be suitable for your use case.





From: Eric Alton <sultanapea...@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: "user@ranger.apache.org" <user@ranger.apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 1:49 PM
To: "user@ranger.apache.org" <user@ranger.apache.org>
Subject: APIs to create, update, and delete policies


I'm looking for suggestions on how best to implement this scenario.

User1 creates a table in their database. This should trigger the automatic 
creation of a Ranger policy granting User1 full access to the table.
User1 transfers ownership of the table to User2. The Ranger policy is updated 
to grant full access to User2 and remove access from User1.
User2 drops the table. The Ranger policy is deleted.
Are the REST APIs the only way to programmatically create, delete, and update 
policies? We are using RangerBasePlugin.isAccessAllowed to test user access, 
but I don't see any Java APIs for policy creation and maintenance.
Assuming the REST APIs are the only solution, it looks like the create policy 
REST API returns the policy ID. Do I need to store this ID so that it can be 
used to update and delete the policy later? In other words, is there any way to 
update or delete a policy by passing in fields other than the ID (ie. policy 
name, or table schema + table name + user)?


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