As Apache Ranger has taken a critical role in Security & Governance of the big 
data/Hadoop technologies, I would like to see if the scope of Apache Ranger can 
be extended to cover other areas such as CLOUD data sources. To identify the 
industry needs, can you please provide some feedback on your current Apache 
Ranger use and your future needs:

  1.  Do you currently use Apache Ranger? If so, What Version?
  2.  Apache Ranger supports authorization for 20+ data sources/services. For 
which data sources/services do you use Apache Ranger authorization?
  3.  What additional data sources/services would you like to have Apache 
Ranger authorization?
  4.  What new features/enhancements would you like to see in Apache Ranger?
  5.  Have you developed Apache Ranger plugins for any data sources/services? 
If yes, please list them.

As a community, we can review this (feedback) information to create more 
backlog tasks for us to scope the next major release.


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