No. Policies are cached on the hosts running the plugin (your Kafka
broker). If Ranger admin become unavailable (i.e. because of a failover of
the backend DB) you are unable to create new policies or manage existing,
but authorizations on topics are not affected

Il sab 20 mag 2023, 18:15 George Goh <> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I'm pretty new to the Ranger ecosystem and learning about how it works
> with the Apache Kafka project.
> One of the projects I'm working with, uses Ranger to provide ACL to Kafka
> topics, and uses an external postgres for datastore.
> What is the effect to existing producers and consumers when/if postgres is
> temporarily unavailable to Ranger (e.g., failover to secondary instance)?
> Will there be a need to 'reconnect' and re-authorize to topics in this
> case?
> Thanks in advance!

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