Hi Loïc,
If you turn on log4j debug for Apache Ranger, then the debug log will tell you where the congratulations are being loaded from.

Also, please check if you aren’t making changes in a different copy of the actual config file (most probably you might have checked but wouldn’t hurt to double check).


On Apr 18, 2024, at 14:43, Loïc CHANEL <loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to configure the LDAP authentication for UI access, so I edited the properties in ranger-admin-site.xml file and restarted, but I saw in the logs the properties I edited are not applied. For instance, the property ranger.ldap.url has the value ldap://cmb.mydomain.org:389 in the XML file, but when Ranger starts I can see in the logs that the default value ( ldap:// ) is loaded by Ranger instead of what I defined.
Is there something I'm missing ? How can I see where the values are loaded from ?
Thanks for your help,

Technical leader Big Data
Capgemini (Lyon, France)

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