This is a bug that is fixed in Ranger 0.6.0 -

As a workaround, you can create symlinks under /var/log/ranger to point to 

From: Lune Silver <<>>
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 11:08 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Ranger does not take into account the logging properties from ambari

Hello !

I'm using HDP 2.3.2 with ambari 2.2.1 and I have a problem with ranger which 
does not take into account the logging dir I set in the conf.

I set the following properties in the tab advanced -> Advanced ranger-env :
- ranger_admin_log_dir = <mylogpath>/ranger/admin
- ranger_usersync_log_dir = <mylogpath>/ranger/usersync

And in the advanced -> Advanced ranger-ugsync-site :
- ranger.usersync.logdir = <mylogpath>/ranger/usersync

But when I check in the server where I installed ranger, there is no logs in 
these folders.
The only logs are in the default paths : in /var/log/ranger/admin and 

Do you know why ranger keeps writing in the default paths please ?


Gwenael Le Barzic

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