On 8/30/06, Enrique Medina Montenegro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
BTW, from my understanding, whenever Shale inside an active dialog found an
outcome to another dialog, it should end the active dialog, and start the
new one.

Is this Shale behaviour?


This is currently not possible. It may be useful to take a quick look
at the DialogManagerFeature [1] wiki page, and the design of the
dialog2 API in sandbox [2] which is currently being discussed on the
dev list (please feel to join us there).

The dialog2 module already has some code in sandbox. If it comes out
of sandbox, it will be available in some later release of Shale.

dialog2 allows for programmatic entry into and exit from an instance
of a dialog. Thereby, it will be possible to wire a commandLink action
to a method that:
(a) Exits the current dialog instance, cleaning up elegantly
(b) Programmatically "invokes" another dialog and transits to its
first view state.
... to achieve the end effect that is desired here.


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/shale/DialogManagerFeature
[2] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shale/sandbox/


On 8/30/06, Enrique Medina Montenegro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to do what I think is a common behaviour in any web
> application: transit from one module to another. I'm using Shale to start a
> new dialog whenever a new module is clicked.
> When I'm already in, let's say, "dialog:module1" and try to go to
> "dialog:module2", then I simply define a commandLink with its action being
> "dialog:module2". But here is where the problem comes: seems that dialog
> manager is not able to fo from one active dialog to another one, unless the
> other one is a subdialog of the first one.
> Obviously in my case I don't want to make module2 a subdialog of module1,
> because they are completely different screens in my application.
> What am I missing? How can I configure the dialog manager to switch
> between dialogs? I hope this is possible with Shale. I've tried something
> like this, but without success:
> <dialogs>
>     <dialog name="Module1"
>         start="StartModule1">
>         <action name="StartModule1"
>             method="#{some.method.that.does.initialization.stuff }">
>             <transition outcome="nextModule1"
>                 target="Next Module1" />
>         </action>
>         <view name="Next Module1"
>             viewId="/module1/firstScreen.xhtml">
>             .........
>             <transition outcome="changeModule2"
>                 target="dialog:Module2" />
>         </view>
>         <end ......... />
>     </dialog>
>     <dialog name="Module2"
>         start="StartModule2">
>         <action name="StartModule2"
>             method="#{some.method.that.does.initialization.stuff}">
>             <transition outcome="nextModule2"
>                 target="Next Module2" />
>         </action>
>         <view name="Next Module2"
>             viewId="/module2/firstScreen.xhtml">
>             .........
>             <transition outcome="changeModule1"
>                 target="dialog:Module1" />
>         </view>
>         <end ......... />
>     </dialog>
> </dialogs>

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