Does anyone using clay with custom converters?
I have a label which should get a converter. Tried it this way in clay

<element renderId="2" jsfid="baseLabel">
                                <set name="value" value="#{user.language}" />
                        <element renderId="1" jsfid="f:converter">
                                                <set name="converterId" 
value="language" />

registered the converter in faces-config.xml.

Exception looks like this:

 ERROR http-8080-Processor25
org.apache.myfaces.application.ApplicationImpl - Undefined component
type override
 ERROR http-8080-Processor25
org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateComponentCommand - Cannot
create Component renderId="1" jsfid="f:converter"
componentType="override" extends="f:converter" allowBody="null"
 javax.faces.FacesException: Undefined component type override

Any hints how to use custom converters and clay?


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