On 1/24/07, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yah, I was kind of hand waving there :-).  I've checked in the first
> of the mechanism, and am working on a concrete class that illustrates
> what I
> was talking about here in code instead of words ... hopefully that will
> easier to understand.

I look forward to using it.

I just checked in the first crack at
org.apache.shale.dialog.base.StateSavingListener which will be available in
tonight's nightly build, or immediately via SVN.  I suspect there are some
bugs that cause the activate and passivate methods not to always be called
at the right times yet, so need to get some tests done to verify that ...
but the basic idea should be apparent now.  Thanks for the cool insights and

It's funny ... I've been whining on the MyFaces lists for a while that I
didn't like <t:saveState> because it got the view tier involved in what
should be a controller level concern (saving and restoring state).  But I
didn't have a concrete alternative to point people at.  At least for apps
that can take advantage of dialogs, now we do :-).  And maybe we can
leverage this for non dialog users too ...


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