I've found the problem (using both Oracle ADF and some
shale extensions doesn't work).

It's in shale-validator and in shale-tiles (1.0.4
version). For info, I'm using adf-faces 10_1_3_0_4.

To reproduce the problem with shale-validator, one
just needs to put the shale-validator.jar in
WEB-INF/lib. We don't need to use a validator
explicitly in jsf page.

To reproduce the problem with shale-tiles, one needs
to put the shale-tiles.jar in WEB-INF/lib AND to call
jsf page through a tile definition.

I've done some debugging with shale-validator.
The problem with this validator is that it changes the
current renderKit (see

I've just commented the setupRenderKit method
implementation and the JSF page displays fine.

Can we change something in order to use ADF with those
Shale extensions ?


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