>>On 2/2/07, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was able to run the shale-clay-usecases in 10g ( from
>> JDeveloper Studio but I had to make a few minor changes.
>> For some reason, JDeveloper doesn't like that the shale-core and
>> shale-validator jars have TLD files with the name "taglib.tld"? I renamed
>> the TLD's and it was happy?
>> I pulled down the trinidad maven plugin to build the JDeveloper project
>> file and ran from the IDE.  I had to include the "JSP Runtime" libraries
>> too.
>> I'm not sure if that's what you are seeing? It's weird that "taglib.tld"
>> trips it up?
>Ignore the previous empty response -- that's what you get when you pet a cat
>who is pawing your mouse at that moment :-).

That's one confused cat (wrong kind mouse).

>It would definitely be wierd, but I can kind of sympathize with how someone
>writing the server side could make a naive assumption that these resource
>names are unique.  At any rate, I'd be fine with making all of our
>META-INF/xxx.tld resource names unique.  After all, it won't affect any
>users because they should not (can not?) make any direct references to these

I did some more research and it turns out that it's a problem with the Trinidad 
JDeveloper maven plugin.  It has to copy the TLD's into the WEB-INF folder.  
Seems like this requirement is kind of old school but apparently necessary.

Even though my hit ratio on the myfaces patches isn't good, I went ahead and 
gave it a go [1].

[1]  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ADFFACES-372



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