I'm not sure to whom to report this since no POC is listed on the Shale 
website, so hopefully the appropriate party will find this here.

I just wanted to point out to whomever is responsible for the documentation on 
the Shale website that there's a mistake on the Clay main web page 

About 1/3 of the way down the page, there are two screen shots: one of an 
example page as an HTML mockup, and the other is the same page rendered using 
JSF+Clay.  According to the accompanying text, the first image should be that 
of the mockup, and the second image should be that of the rendered page.  
However, the two images are swapped (i.e., the first image is the rendered page 
and the second image is the mockup), presumably by mistake.  

The section of the document to which I am referring can be located by searching 
for the text "You save that file, refresh the browser, and, as expected, you 
see this: (check the address bar - that's the HTML file)", which (ironically) 
precedes the image of the JSF-rendered page.

It's not a big issue, but it can be a bit confusing for somewhat who is trying 
to learn how Clay (and Shale in general) works!

Rich Eggert

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