I am using the ShaleApplicationFilter.  I know it's being called, since it 
ShaleApplicationFilter.doFilter appears in the stack trace for the error that 
I'm getting.  My chain-config.xml looks identical to the one from the 
clay-usecases example (minus the commented-out parts).  I have a ChainListener 
configured and I have chain.CONFIG_WEB_RESOURCE pointing to 
/WEB-INF/chain-config.xml.  Is it possible that the MyFaces ExtensionsFilter is 
somehow interfering with it?  If so, is there any way to remedy it?

Rich Eggert
Member of Technical Staff
Proteus Technologies, LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 2/26/2007 11:49 AM
To: user@shale.apache.org
Subject: Re: Weird error for full HTML views
>From: "Richard Eggert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I'm trying to get full HTML views working. I was able to get partial HTML 
> views 
> (using JSP to load the HTML template) working, but I keep getting the same 
> weird 
> error: 

The full html and full xml views are different animals.  If you are using a 
full HTML view, it must be a physical file similar to JSP.  The full XML views 
allow you to define a config definition as the page entry point but it requires 
a unique suffix.  The default suffix is .html and .xml but can be changed in 
the web.xml

> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.getContentType()Ljava/lang/String; 
> at 
> org.apache.shale.faces.ClayViewHandler.renderView(ClayViewHandler.java:385) 
> ... 
> The page I'm trying to load is named /htmlTest.foo and it exists only within 
> my 
> clay-views.xml. I've set FULLXML_CONFIG_FILES to /WEB-INF/clay-views.xml. 
> I've 
> set XML_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX to .foo. I have a filter-mapping for /* to point to 
> the 
> ShaleApplicationFilter that I set up. I have a servlet-mapping that maps 
> *.foo 
> to the Faces servlet. I have a mime-mapping that maps the "foo" extension to 
> "text/html". I have not modified javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX (i.e., I've left 
> it 
> as the default of ".jsp"), since I still have a lot of traditional JSP-based 
> JSF 
> pages (I did try changing it to ".foo" at one point, to no effect). 
> I don't know if it's relevant, but I did notice the following lines in my log 
> file (note the file extensions): 
> org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler:282 - Clay template restoreView 
> for 
> /htmlTest.jsp 
> org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler:366 - Clay template renderView 
> for 
> /htmlTest.jsp 
> Does anyone have any idea of why I'm getting this error (or, more 
> importantly, 
> how to fix it)? 

JSF really only wants you to choose one type of templating.  You can mix the 
three types but you need the shale-application library.  What happens is JSF 
will normalize the view suffix to the javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX value.  There 
is a preprocess command that is invoked from a filter that captures the view 
suffix before the normal processing of the viewId.  The captured suffix 
overrides the default.  This won't work in a portal environment and I've heard 
reports of it not working all the time.

I covered this in more detail in a resonse to Bernhard's question [1].  The 
shale-clay-usecases trys to explain the problems too [2].

Unfortunately, you are better off if you choose a single JSF view entry point.

[1] http://www.nabble.com/Clay-templating-tf3292202.html (should be here but I 
just posted the response)

> Rich Eggert 
> Member of Technical Staff 
> Proteus Technologies, LLC 
> http://www.proteus-technologies.com 

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