>From: "Strittmatter, Stephan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hm, but how to get ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL within Jscript? 
> I tried to put an outText with this value calculated by my managed bean, 
> but the outtext is rendered in different place not within the script. 

The URL would have to be built when the page is rendered on the server.
Maybe you could use a hidden attribute in the form.

<h:inputHidden id="remoteUrl" value="#{mybean.getRemoteUrl}"/>

Let the backing bean add the encoding.

public String getRemoteUrl() {
      FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
      return context.getApplication().getViewHandler().getResourceURL(context, 

Then use the hidden attributes value in script.


> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 6:50 PM 
> To: user@shale.apache.org 
> Subject: RE: [shale-remote] SesionBeans in MyFaces/Portlet Application 
> >From: "Strittmatter, Stephan" 
> > 
> > If the Bean is in session scope I would expect only one bean per 
> session 
> > or am I wrong? 
> > 
> Session scope is defined to the web container by the "jsessionid". Does 
> your remote request contain the jsessionid as a query parameters? Try 
> using the ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL method to build the URL used 
> by the remoting call. That's probably the only option if this is truly 
> a portlet. 
> > -----Original Message----- 
> > From: Hermod Opstvedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 4:53 PM 
> > To: user@shale.apache.org 
> > Subject: SV: [shale-remote] SesionBeans in MyFaces/Portlet Application 
> > 
> > Hi 
> > 
> > Indeed - Once going in on the post, and then again going out on the 
> > render 
> > response. 
> > 
> > Hermod 
> > 
> > -----Opprinnelig melding----- 
> > Fra: Strittmatter, Stephan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sendt: 23. april 2007 16:50 
> > Til: user@shale.apache.org 
> > Emne: [shale-remote] SesionBeans in MyFaces/Portlet Application 
> > 
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > I have made some small tests using shale-remote to make AJAX updates 
> > within my MyFaces-Portlet, but I found, that the session scoped 
> > ManagedBean is instantiated twice! 
> > I use the: 
> > * shale-remote of SVN (last week) 
> > * Apache Portlet bridge 1.0 
> > * MyFaces/Tomahawk 1.1.5 
> > 
> > I think, there are created two different contexts but not shure. Has 
> > already had someone this problem? 
> > 
> > Regards, 
> > 
> > Stephan 
> > 
> > 

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