craigmcc wrote:
> On 6/19/07, samju <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> public class Login extends AbstractViewController{
>> public String editDataTable(){
>> FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
>> DialogContext dcontext = DialogHelper.getDialogContext(context);
>> Object currentuser = ((appBackingBean)
>> dcontext).getServerModel().getRowData();
>> (this cause a Class CastException)OR this cause a NullPointerException
>> this.crudServer = (Server)
>> getappBackingBean().getServerModel().getRowData();
>> ...
>> ......
>> return null;
>> }
>> }
>> how to retriev the RowData of a datatable?
>> how to work with  dcontext.setData?
> It is not possible to provide you any specific advice without an
> understanding of the code in your application.  But the following
> general thoughts might help you understand what the "data" property of
> a DialogContext instance was intended to be used for.
> The basic idea is that, when you have a "conversation" with a user
> (i.e. something that takes more than one request), you want the
> equivalent of a "scope" that lasts longer than a single request, but
> shorter than an HttpSession, which typically does not go away until
> the user logs off or the session times out.  In the absence of a
> change to the servlet specification to provide such a scope (something
> along these lines *might* happen in a future Servlet spec, or perhaps
> in the Web Beans spec, JSR-299).  The "data" property is designed to
> provide you a place to deal with this requirement.  The DialogContext
> instance is thrown away when the dialog is completed -- therefore, so
> will the "data" object that you put here.
> There are different strategies to consider for using "data":
> * By default, unless you do something different, the Dialog framework
>   will provide you an object of type "java.util.Map" here.  That means,
> you
>   can stuff whatever "state" information you need into the Map, and easily
>   access it with EL expressions like "#{}" for key
> "foo".
>   The disadvantage is that you give up type checking on the name/value
> pairs.
> * For many applications, the state information I might want to keep is
> well
>   understood.  A shopping cart is a classic example of this -- it should
> contain
>   a list of Item objects, and (during the checkout process itself)
> things like the
>   credit card number and the expiration date.  If you can encapsulate this
> kind
>   of information into a JavaBean, it is very easy to build unit tests
> to validate the
>   behavior of your shopping cart.
> * If you want a JavaBean to represent your state information, the easiest
> thing
>   to do is to declare the fully qualified class name of your JavaBean
> in the dialog
>   configuration information.  But this only guarantees that the bean
> instance
>   gets *created* -- not that it gets *populated*.  For that, I
> generally define an
>   action state as the first state of my dialogs that goes and fills in
> the necessary
>   details (copying stuff from request scope or session scope attributes,
> as
>   needed).
> * It is also possible that you might need a more "intimate" understanding
> of
>   the lifecycle of your dialog with a particular user.  If you make
> your JavaBean
>   class implement the DialogContextListener interface, the setData()
> method
>   will notice this and automatically register you as a listener, so you
> can hear
>   about interesting events like "we just switched from state X to state
> Y", and
>   "we just finished this dialog".
> I'm afraid any more specific advice will require more detailed knowledge
> about:
> * What are you trying to do?
> i want to update the Content of a datatable:
> <t:dataTable var="result" value="#{dialogScope.alist}" 
>     preserveDataModel="true"  rowId="#{}">
> ...
> <h:column>
>       <f:facet name="header">
>       <t:commandSortHeader columnName="servername" arrow="false">
>           <h:outputText value="URL"></h:outputText>
>       </t:commandSortHeader>
>       </f:facet>
>       <h:inputText value="#{result.sname}" //this value had to be updated!
>       rendered="#{result.editable}"></h:inputText>
> </h:column>
> .......       
> <h:column>
>       <f:facet name="header">
>       <t:commandSortHeader ...>
>       <h:outputText value="refresh"></h:outputText>
>       </t:commandSortHeader>
>       </f:facet>
>               <t:commandButton action="#{worker.updateserver}" value="update"
>                       disabled="#{not result.editable}">
>               </t:commandButton>
>       </h:column>
> </t:dataTable>
> where do the Value of "#{dialogScope.alist}" comes from?
> public String bricketWood(){
> ......
> FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
> DialogContext dcontext = DialogHelper.getDialogContext(context);
> appBackingBean currentuser = (appBackingBean) dcontext.getData();
> ............
> Query qs = sess.createQuery("from Server");
> qs.setProperties(Server.class);
> List ID_UserID_ServerName_Status_Roles = qs.list();
> currentuser.setAlist(ID_UserID_ServerName_Status_Roles);
> .......
> return "you can watch the Wood"
> }
> i use the fully qualified class name of appBackingBean in the Dialog.xml
> (otherwise i can´t run the Dialog! i get use to this)
> now 
> public class Login extends AbstractViewController implements Serializable{
> ....
> private Server crudServer;
> private ListDataModel model;
> .....
> public String updateserver(){
> 1.had to capture the rowdata from (<t:dataTable var="result"
> value="#{dialogScope.alist}" )
> 2.then set Server Bean properties
> hibernate session, begin transaction, use hibernate session
> facilities to save,update, merge, delete or add data.
> 4.return null; still using the same view 
> i tried "t:updateActionListener" tag wich set the of our
> backing bean and so i can user in this action....didn´t work
> and as i mentioned in the message befor the usual way to retriev the
> content of the rowdata did´t work
> }
> }
> * What did you expect to happen?
> i expect to update my database
> * What actually happened?
> when the user enter the "edit mode" and make some changes, the new entries
> got saved "client Side"as long as the Dialog exist! even if the user left
> the "edit mode". the value="#{dialogScope.alist}"  show the new user
> from the frontend view it look like every thinks going well.
> can You please give a example how to do this"
> generally define an  action state as the first state of my dialogs that
> goes and fills in the necessary details "
> i work within one Dialog. so at the begining a action will take place and
> launch the dialog then another action will deliver the dataBase entries
> for each user, the user make some changes and logout, dialog end.
> Sam
>> sam
> Craig

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