> I'm sorry Rahul but I don't understand your response (sure is for my bad
> English).

Please feel free to ask me to repeat anything that isn't clear, I will
try again.

> Can you explain:
> " If it must be so (for whatever reason that I am no longer
> trying to identify :-), then it must not claim to be any variant of
> the basic impl anyway."

That was in context of the fact that your requirements seem to
necessitate breaking one of the basic contracts of the
DialogContextManager interface. One of the reasons why the impls of
that interface are final is probably to avoid getting into such
situations in the first place.

Again, I'd encourage you to work towards getting rid of the
requirement of creating a DialogContext of a different name than the
one that was supplied. I suspect it is merely symptomatic of some
other, perhaps more important, application design problem.


> Thanks
> Mario

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