I went back and took another look at this and turned on trace logging and figured out the InvalidRequestFilter is tripping, specifically on a semicolon in the URL.  That filter was added in 1.6.0 hence that's the first version we see the issue.

So now the part I'm not sure about is how/why the URL is being modified after logout.  If I click the login button the URL in the browser is: https://localhost:8443/app/login.xhtml;jsessionid=<snip> and, as advertised by the IRF, I get a 400 response code.

The logout process is done through a servlet with the following implementation:     protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

And it is on the index page that things start to break.  There's a single image that doesn't load due to the request url having the jssessionid appended and that gets a 400 response and if I click the "Log In" button and it goes to that url (with the appended jsessionid), I get the main error that results in a blank page with just "Invalid request".

So am I doing something wrong in my logout logic or is this a Shiro issue?


On 12/17/2020 9:55 AM, Francois Papon wrote:
Ok thanks, we will take a look.



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