Hm… I am sure, that when we do subjec.login(..) then under the hood subject is 
bound to the tread.
I use the code I posted in integration tests and everything works as expected. 
I pass token, I see how
my realm does it work.
What did you mean, saying «login and out do not bind the user to the thread.»? 
I am saying that after calling
subject.login() subject is bound to thread and after subject.logout() subject 
is unbound from thread.
Best regards, Alex Orlov
>Четверг, 20 мая 2021, 22:52 +03:00 от Brian Demers <>:
>login and out do not bind the user to the thread. Typically I use the 
>ThreadContext directly when I need to do anything with threading
>For example, mock a subject, and bind it to the thread:
>Then unbind it:
>Though if you are using a "real" subject, you could just use the built in 
>thread execution as well:  
>On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 11:34 AM Alex Orlov < > wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>Can I use in one thread tests subject login/logout. Something like this:
>>    @BeforeAll
>>    protected void doBeforeAll() {
>>        Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
>>        subject.login(token);
>>    }
>>    @AfterAll
>>    protected void doAfterAll() {
>>        Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
>>        subject.logout();
>>    }
>>As I understand, subject.login() does thread binding, and subject.logout() 
>>does thread unbinding. So, could anyone say
>>if this code is correct.
>>Best regards, Alex Orlov

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