
On 27 Mar 2009, at 1:16 AM, Ceki Gulcu wrote:

Hello all,

SLF4J users have been asking for varags support for a long time. See
http://bugzilla.slf4j.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31 for more details. The
plan is to add varags support in SLF4J version 1.6 to be released later
this year, possibly in October 2009.

The idea is extremely simple. We would replace methods such as:

 // in current API
 public void debug(String msgFormat, Object[] argArray);


 // proposed API for SLF4J 1.6.0
 public void debug(String msgFormat, Object... arg);

Interestingly enough, the proposed change is perfectly compatible with
existing code. In particular, code compiled against SLF4J 1.5.6 or
earlier will run fine against SLF4J 1.6.0 and vice versa, that is
client code compiled with SLF4J 1.6.0 will run fine with SLF4J 1.5.6
and earlier.

The only problem is that the varargs notation requires JDK 1.5. Thus,
we are faced with the question of requiring JDK 1.5 instead of JDK
1.3 in SLF4J.

Do you accept SLF4J dropping JDK 1.3 compatibility and require JDK 1.5
instead?  If you respond, please do so on the u...@slf4j mailing list.

This poll is open for 3 months starting from today, March the 26th of

Many thanks in advance for your feedback.

Ceki Gülcü
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