
NDC in log4j is working great for me.  I really don't want this thread to 
degrade in to why MDC may be better; I'd like to have this question answered 

I was very happy to see it in the slf4j JavaDocs:

But when I tried to actually use it, it was then when I found out that the 
class really does not exist.  At least not in v1.5.8 (or going back to v1.5.2).

Finding two back threads pertaining to NDC from earlier in 2009, it appears to 
be clear that there is not an interest in supporting it.

Why is there JavaDocs on it if it is not supported?  How were they generated 
without a concrete class?  

Or is there a future version coming up that will support it?  If so, where can 
I find it?

  Thanks for any and all answers.

     Scott Tabar

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