Hey Sen,

Is your code in the driver code or inside one of the tasks?

If it's in the tasks, the place you would expect these to be is in
stdout file under <spark>/<appid>/work/[stdout/stderr]. Are you seeing
at least stderr logs in that folder? If not then the tasks might not
be running on the workers machines. If you see stderr but not stdout
that's a bit of a puzzler since they both go through the same

- Patrick

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Sen, Ranjan [USA] <sen_ran...@bah.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have some System.out.println in my Java code that is working ok in a local
> environment. But when I run the same code on a standalone  mode in a EC2
> cluster I do not see them at the worker stdout (in the worker node under
> <spark location>/work ) or at the driver console. Could you help me
> understand how do I troubleshoot?
> Thanks
> Ranjan

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