Why are you trying to reducebyKey? Are you looking to work on the data
If I understand correctly you are looking to filter your data using the
bloom filter & each bloom filter is tied to which key is instantiating it.
Following are some of the options
*partiition* your data by key & use mappartition operator to run function
on partition independently. The same function will be applied to each
If your bloomfilter is large then you can bundle all of them in as a
broadcast variable & use it to apply the transformation on your data using
a simple map operation, basically you are looking up the right bloom filter
on each key & applying the filter on it, again here if unserializing bloom
filter is time consuming then you can partition the data on key & then use
the broadcast variable to look up the bloom filter for each key & apply
filter on all data in serial.


Mayur Rustagi
Ph: +1 (760) 203 3257
@mayur_rustagi <https://twitter.com/mayur_rustagi>

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Surendranauth Hiraman <
suren.hira...@velos.io> wrote:

> We ended up going with:
> map() - set the group_id as the key in a Tuple
> reduceByKey() - end up with (K,Seq[V])
> map() - create the bloom filter and loop through the Seq and persist the
> Bloom filter
> This seems to be fine.
> I guess Spark cannot optimize the reduceByKey and map steps to occur
> together since the fact that we are looping through the Seq is out of
> Spark's control.
> -Suren
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Surendranauth Hiraman <
> suren.hira...@velos.io> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My team is trying to replicate an existing Map/Reduce process in Spark.
>> Basically, we are creating Bloom Filters for quick set membership tests
>> within our processing pipeline.
>> We have a single column (call it group_id) that we use to partition into
>> sets.
>> As you would expect, in the map phase, we emit the group_id as the key
>> and in the reduce phase, we instantiate the Bloom Filter for a given key in
>> the setup() method and persist that Bloom Filter in the cleanup() method.
>> In Spark, we can do something similar with map() and reduceByKey() but we
>> have the following questions.
>> 1. Accessing the reduce key
>> In reduceByKey(), how do we get access to the specific key within the
>> reduce function?
>> 2. Equivalent of setup/cleanup
>> Where should we instantiate and persist each Bloom Filter by key? In the
>> driver and then pass in the references to the reduce function? But if so,
>> how does the reduce function know which set's Bloom Filter it should be
>> writing to (question 1 above)?
>> It seems if we use groupByKey and then reduceByKey, that gives us access
>> to all of the values at one go. I assume there, Spark will manage if those
>> values all don't fit in memory in one go.
>> Velos
>> Accelerating Machine Learning
>> NEW YORK, NY 10001
>> O: (917) 525-2466 ext. 105
>> F: 646.349.4063
>> E: suren.hiraman@v <suren.hira...@sociocast.com>elos.io
>> W: www.velos.io
> --
> Velos
> Accelerating Machine Learning
> NEW YORK, NY 10001
> O: (917) 525-2466 ext. 105
> F: 646.349.4063
> E: suren.hiraman@v <suren.hira...@sociocast.com>elos.io
> W: www.velos.io

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