
Comparing some other components will be very useful as well....svd++ from
graphx vs the same algorithm in graphlab....also mllib.recommendation.als
implicit/explicit compared to the collaborative filtering toolkit in

To stress test what's the biggest sparse dataset that you have in mind ?
 On Mar 24, 2014 11:00 AM, "Niko Stahl" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm interested in extending the comparison between GraphX and GraphLab
> presented in Xin et. al (2013). The evaluation presented there is rather
> limited as it only compares the frameworks for one algorithm (PageRank) on
> a cluster with a fixed number of nodes. Are there any graph algorithms
> where one might expect GraphX to perform better than GraphLab? Do you
> expect the scaling properties (i.e. performance as a function of # of
> worker nodes) to differ?
> Thanks for your help. I'd be happy to share the results of this study with
> the community, if there's sufficient interest.
> Regards,
> Niko

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