Hi all,

I notice that RDD.cartesian has a strange behavior with cached and uncached
data. More precisely, I have a set of data that I load with objectFile

*val data: RDD[(Int,String,Array[Double])] = sc.objectFile("data")*

Then I split it in two set depending on some criteria

*val part1 = data.filter(_._2 matches "view1")*
*val part2 = data.filter(_._2 matches "view2")*

Finally, I compute the cartesian product of part1 and part2

*val pair = part1.cartesian(part2)*

If every thing goes well I should have

*pair.count == part1.count * part2.count*

But this is not the case if I don't cache part1 and part2.

What I was missing ? Does caching data mandatory in Spark ?



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