I would suggest to start with cloud hosting if you can, depending on your
usecase, memory requirement may vary a lot .
On Apr 2, 2014 3:59 PM, "Matei Zaharia" <matei.zaha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Steve,
> This configuration sounds pretty good. The one thing I would consider is
> having more disks, for two reasons — Spark uses the disks for large
> shuffles and out-of-core operations, and often it’s better to run HDFS or
> your storage system on the same nodes. But whether this is valuable will
> depend on whether you plan to do that in your deployment. You should
> determine that and go from there.
> The amount of cores and RAM are both good — actually with a lot more of
> these you would probably want to run multiple Spark workers per node, which
> is more work to configure. Your numbers are in line with other deployments.
> There’s a provisioning overview with more details at
> https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/hardware-provisioning.html but what
> you have sounds fine.
> Matei
> On Apr 2, 2014, at 2:58 PM, Stephen Watt <sw...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > Hi Folks
> >
> > I'm looking to buy some gear to run Spark. I'm quite well versed in
> Hadoop Server design but there does not seem to be much Spark related
> collateral around infrastructure guidelines (or at least I haven't been
> able to find them). My current thinking for server design is something
> along these lines.
> >
> > - 2 x 10Gbe NICs
> > - 128 GB RAM
> > - 6 x 1 TB Small Form Factor Disks (2 x RAID 1 Mirror for O/S and
> Runtimes, 4 x 1TB for Data Drives)
> > - 1 Disk Controller
> > - 2 x 2.6 GHz 6 core processors
> >
> > If I stick with 1u servers then I lose disk capacity per rack but I get
> a lot more memory and CPU capacity per rack. This increases my total
> cluster memory footprint and it doesn't seem to make sense to have super
> dense storage servers because I can't fit all that data on disk in memory
> anyways. So at present, my thinking is to go with 1u servers instead of 2u
> Servers. Is 128GB RAM per server normal? Do you guys use more or less than
> that?
> >
> > Any feedback would be appreciated
> >
> > Regards
> > Steve Watt

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