I'm seeing the same thing as Marcelo, Joe. All your mail is going to my
Spam folder. :(

With regards to your questions, I would suggest in general adding some more
technical detail to them. It will be difficult for people to give you
suggestions if all they are told is "Spark is slow". How does your Spark
setup differ from your MR/Hive setup? What operations are you doing? What
do you see in the Spark UI? What have you tried doing to isolate or
identify the reason for the slowness? Etc.


On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Joe L <selme...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > And, I  haven't gotten any answers to my questions.
> One thing that might explain that is that, at least for me, all (and I
> mean *all*) of your messages are ending up in my GMail spam folder,
> complaining that GMail can't verify that it really comes from
> yahoo.com.
> No idea why that's happening or how to fix it.
> --
> Marcelo

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