Hi Sandy,

Thanks for your reply !

I thought adding the jars in both SPARK_CLASSPATH and ADD_JARS was only 
required as a temporary workaround in spark 0.9.0 (see 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1089), and that it was not 
necessary anymore in 0.9.1

As for SPARK_YARN_APP_JAR, is it really useful, or is it planned to be removed 
in future versions of Spark? I personally always set it to /dev/null when 
launching a spark-shell in yarn-client mode.

Thanks again for your time!

On 21/04/2014 19:16, Sandy Ryza wrote:
Hi Christophe,

Adding the jars to both SPARK_CLASSPATH and ADD_JARS is required.  The former 
makes them available to the spark-shell driver process, and the latter tells 
Spark to make them available to the executor processes running on the cluster.


On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Christophe Préaud 
<christophe.pre...@kelkoo.com<mailto:christophe.pre...@kelkoo.com>> wrote:

I am running Spark 0.9.1 on a YARN cluster, and I am wondering which is the
correct way to add external jars when running a spark shell on a YARN cluster.

Packaging all this dependencies in an assembly which path is then set in
SPARK_YARN_APP_JAR (as written in the doc:
http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/running-on-yarn.html) does not work in my
case: it pushes the jar on HDFS in .sparkStaging/application_XXX, but the
spark-shell is still unable to find it (unless ADD_JARS and/or SPARK_CLASSPATH
is defined)

Defining all the dependencies (either in an assembly, or separately) in ADD_JARS
or SPARK_CLASSPATH works (even if SPARK_YARN_APP_JAR is set to /dev/null), but
defining some dependencies in ADD_JARS and the rest in SPARK_CLASSPATH does not!

Hence I'm still wondering which are the differences between ADD_JARS and

Thanks for any insights!

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