Some thing like Twitter Ambrose would be lovely to integrate :)

Mayur Rustagi
Ph: +1 (760) 203 3257
@mayur_rustagi <>

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 8:44 PM, Punya Biswal <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am thinking of starting work on a profiler for Spark clusters. The
> current idea is that it would collect jstacks from executor nodes and put
> them into a central index (either a database or elasticsearch), and it
> would present them to people in a UI that would let people slice and dice
> the jstacks based on what job was running at the time, and what executor
> node was running. In addition, the UI would also present time spent doing
> non-computational work, such as shuffling and input/output IO. In a future
> extension, we might support reading from JMX and/or a JVM agent to get more
> precise data.
> I know that it's already possible to use YourKit to profile individual
> processes, but YourKit costs money, needs a desktop client to be installed,
> and doesn't place its data in the context relevant to a Spark cluster.
> Does something like this already exist (or is such a project already in
> progress)? Do you have any feedback or recommendations for how to go about
> it?
> Thanks!
> Punya

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