Thank you Patrick. 

I took a quick stab at it:

    val s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(...)
    val copyObjectResult = s3Client.copyObject("upload", outputPrefix + 
"/part-00000", "rolled-up-logs", "2014-04-28.csv")
    val objectListing = s3Client.listObjects("upload", outputPrefix)
 => new KeyVersion(s.getKey)).asJava))

Using a 3GB object I achieved about 33MB/s between buckets in the same AZ. 

This is a workable solution for the short term but not ideal for the longer 
term as data size increases. I understand it's a limitation of the Hadoop API 
but ultimately it must be possible to dump a RDD to a single S3 object :) 

On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 7:01 PM, Patrick Wendell <> 
This is a consequence of the way the Hadoop files API works. However,
you can (fairly easily) add code to just rename the file because it
will always produce the same filename.

(heavy use of pseudo code)

dir = "/some/dir"
f = new File(dir + "part-00000")
f.moveTo("somewhere else")

It might be cool to add a utility called `saveAsSingleFile` or
something that does this for you. In fact probably we should have
called saveAsTextfile "saveAsTextFiles" to make it more clear...

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Peter <> wrote:
> Thanks Nicholas, this is a bit of a shame, not very practical for log roll
> up for example when every output needs to be in it's own "directory".
> On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:15 PM, Nicholas Chammas
> <> wrote:
> Yes, saveAsTextFile() will give you 1 part per RDD partition. When you
> coalesce(1), you move everything in the RDD to a single partition, which
> then gives you 1 output file.
> It will still be called part-00000 or something like that because that's
> defined by the Hadoop API that Spark uses for reading to/writing from S3. I
> don't know of a way to change that.
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Peter <> wrote:
> Ah, looks like RDD.coalesce(1) solves one part of the problem.
> On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:15 AM, Peter <>
> wrote:
> Hi
> Playing around with Spark & S3, I'm opening multiple objects (CSV files)
> with:
>     val hfile = sc.textFile("s3n://bucket/2014-04-28/")
> so hfile is a RDD representing 10 objects that were "underneath" 2014-04-28.
> After I've sorted and otherwise transformed the content, I'm trying to write
> it back to a single object:
> unfortunately this results in a "folder" named concatted.csv with 10 objects
> underneath, part-00000 .. part-00010, corresponding to the 10 original
> objects loaded.
> How can I achieve the desired behaviour of putting a single object named
> concatted.csv ?
> I've tried 0.9.1 and 1.0.0-RC3.
> Thanks!
> Peter

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