Hello All,

I am learning that there are certain imports done by Spark REPL that is
used to invoke and run code in a spark shell, that I would have to import
specifically if I need the same functionality in a spark jar run by command

I am getting into a repeated serialization error of an RDD that contains
the "Map". The exact RDD is org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String,
Seq[Map[String,MetaData]])] where "MetaData" is a case class. This
serialization is not encountered when I try to write out the RDD to disk by
using saveAsTextFile or when I try to count the number of elements in the
RDD using the count() function.

Sadly when I run the same commands in the spark-shell, I do not encounter
any error.
I appreciate your help in  advance.


Software Engineer
Analytics Engineering Team@ Box
Mountain View, CA

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