The MergeStrategy combined with sbt assembly did work for me.  This is not
painless: some trial and error and the assembly may take multiple minutes.

You will likely want to filter out some additional classes from the
generated jar file.  Here is an SOF answer to explain that and with IMHO
the best answer snippet included here (in this case the OP understandably
did not want to not include javax.servlet.Servlet)

mappings in (Compile,packageBin) ~= { (ms: Seq[(File, String)]) => ms
filter { case (file, toPath) => toPath != "javax/servlet/Servlet.class" } }

There is a setting to not include the project files in the assembly but I
do not recall it at this moment.

2014-05-29 10:13 GMT-07:00 Andrei <>:

> Thanks, Jordi, your gist looks pretty much like what I have in my project
> currently (with few exceptions that I'm going to borrow).
> I like the idea of using "sbt package", since it doesn't require third
> party plugins and, most important, doesn't create a mess of classes and
> resources. But in this case I'll have to handle jar list manually via Spark
> context. Is there a way to automate this process? E.g. when I was a Clojure
> guy, I could run "lein deps" (lein is a build tool similar to sbt) to
> download all dependencies and then just enumerate them from my app. Maybe
> you have heard of something like that for Spark/SBT?
> Thanks,
> Andrei
> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:48 PM, jaranda <> wrote:
>> Hi Andrei,
>> I think the preferred way to deploy Spark jobs is by using the sbt package
>> task instead of using the sbt assembly plugin. In any case, as you
>> comment,
>> the mergeStrategy in combination with some dependency exlusions should fix
>> your problems. Have a look at  this gist
>> <>   for further
>> details (I just followed some recommendations commented in the sbt
>> assembly
>> plugin documentation).
>> Up to now I haven't found a proper way to combine my
>> development/deployment
>> phases, although I must say my experience in Spark is pretty poor (it
>> really
>> depends in your deployment requirements as well). In this case, I think
>> someone else could give you some further insights.
>> Best,
>> --
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