   Good question. Couple of thoughts from my practical experience:

   - Coming from R, Scala feels more natural than other languages. The
   functional & succinctness of Scala is more suited for Data Science than
   other languages. In short, Scala-Spark makes sense, for Data Science, ML,
   Data Exploration et al
   - Having said that occasionally practicality does trump the choice of a
   language - last time I really wanted to use Scala but ended up in writing
   in Python ! Hope to get a better result this time
   - Language evolution is more of a long term granularity -  we do
   underestimate the velocity & impact. Have seen evolutions through languages
   starting from Cobol, CCP/M Basic,Turbo Pascal, ... I think Scala will find
   it's equilibrium sooner than we think ...


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Nicholas Chammas <> wrote:

> Thank you for the specific points about the advantages Scala provides over
> other languages. Looking at several code samples, the reduction of
> boilerplate code over Java is one of the biggest plusses, to me.
> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Marek Kolodziej <>
> wrote:
>> I would advise others to form their opinions based on experiencing it for
>> themselves, rather than reading what random people say on Hacker News. :)
> Just a nitpick here: What I said was "It looks like the language is fairly
> controversial on [Hacker News.]" That was just an observation of what I saw
> on HN, not a statement of my opinion. I know very little about Scala (or
> Java, for that matter) and definitely don't have a well-formed opinion on
> the matter.
> Nick

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