
scenario : Read data from HDFS and apply hive query  on it and the result
is written back to HDFS.

 Scheme creation, Querying  and saveAsTextFile are working fine with
following mode

   - local mode
   - mesos cluster with single node
   - spark cluster with multi node

Schema creation and querying are working fine with mesos multi node cluster.
But  while trying to write back to HDFS using saveAsTextFile, the following
error occurs

* 14/05/30 10:16:35 INFO DAGScheduler: The failed fetch was from Stage 4
(mapPartitionsWithIndex at Operator.scala:333); marking it for resubmission*
*14/05/30 10:16:35 INFO DAGScheduler: Executor lost:
201405291518-3644595722-5050-17933-1 (epoch 148)*

Let me know your thoughts regarding this.


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