Dear PJ$,

If you are familiar with Puppet, you could try using the puppet module I wrote 
(currently for Spark 0.9.0, I custom compiled it since no Debian package was 
available at the time I started with a project I required it for).

Kind regards,

Stefan van Wouw

On 02 Jun 2014, at 00:11, PJ$ <> wrote:

> Running on a few m3.larges with the ami-848a6eec image (debian 7). Haven't 
> gotten any further. No clue what's wrong. I'd really appreciate any guidance 
> y'all could offer. 
> Best, 
> PJ$
> On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Matei Zaharia <> 
> wrote:
> What instance types did you launch on?
> Sometimes you also get a bad individual machine from EC2. It might help to 
> remove the node it’s complaining about from the conf/slaves file.
> Matei
> On May 30, 2014, at 11:18 AM, PJ$ <> wrote:
>> Hey Folks, 
>> I'm really having quite a bit of trouble getting spark running on ec2. I'm 
>> not using scripts the 
>> because I'd like to know how everything works. But I'm going a little crazy. 
>> I think that something about the networking configuration must be messed up, 
>> but I'm at a loss. Shortly after starting the cluster, I get a lot of this: 
>> 14/05/30 18:03:22 INFO master.Master: Registering worker 
>> ip-10-100-184-45.ec2.internal:7078 with 2 cores, 6.3 GB RAM
>> 14/05/30 18:03:22 INFO master.Master: Registering worker 
>> ip-10-100-184-45.ec2.internal:7078 with 2 cores, 6.3 GB RAM
>> 14/05/30 18:03:23 INFO master.Master: Registering worker 
>> ip-10-100-184-45.ec2.internal:7078 with 2 cores, 6.3 GB RAM
>> 14/05/30 18:03:23 INFO master.Master: Registering worker 
>> ip-10-100-184-45.ec2.internal:7078 with 2 cores, 6.3 GB RAM
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 INFO master.Master: 
>> akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485 got disassociated, 
>> removing it.
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 INFO actor.LocalActorRef: Message 
>> [akka.remote.transport.ActorTransportAdapter$DisassociateUnderlying] from 
>> Actor[akka://sparkMaster/deadLetters] to 
>> Actor[akka://sparkMaster/system/transports/akkaprotocolmanager.tcp0/akkaProtocol-tcp%3A%2F%2FsparkMaster%4010.100.75.70%3A36725-25#847210246]
>>  was not delivered. [5] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned 
>> off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 
>> 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 INFO master.Master: 
>> akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485 got disassociated, 
>> removing it.
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 INFO master.Master: 
>> akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485 got disassociated, 
>> removing it.
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 ERROR remote.EndpointWriter: AssociationError 
>> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@ip-10-100-184-45.ec2.internal:7077] -> 
>> [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]: Error [Association 
>> failed with [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]] [
>> akka.remote.EndpointAssociationException: Association failed with 
>> [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]
>> Caused by: 
>> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport$$anonfun$associate$1$$anon$2: 
>> Connection refused: ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal/
>> ]
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 ERROR remote.EndpointWriter: AssociationError 
>> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@ip-10-100-184-45.ec2.internal:7077] -> 
>> [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]: Error [Association 
>> failed with [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]] [
>> akka.remote.EndpointAssociationException: Association failed with 
>> [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]
>> Caused by: 
>> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport$$anonfun$associate$1$$anon$2: 
>> Connection refused: ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal/
>> ]
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 INFO master.Master: 
>> akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485 got disassociated, 
>> removing it.
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 INFO master.Master: 
>> akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485 got disassociated, 
>> removing it.
>> 14/05/30 18:05:54 ERROR remote.EndpointWriter: AssociationError 
>> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@ip-10-100-184-45.ec2.internal:7077] -> 
>> [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]: Error [Association 
>> failed with [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]] [
>> akka.remote.EndpointAssociationException: Association failed with 
>> [akka.tcp://spark@ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal:38485]
>> Caused by: 
>> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport$$anonfun$associate$1$$anon$2: 
>> Connection refused: ip-10-100-75-70.ec2.internal/

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