Is there a third way? Unless I miss something. Hadoop's OutputFormat
wants the target dir to not exist no matter what, so it's just a
question of whether Spark deletes it for you or errors.

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 12:22 AM, Patrick Wendell <> wrote:
> We can just add back a flag to make it backwards compatible - it was
> just missed during the original PR.
> Adding a *third* set of "clobber" semantics, I'm slightly -1 on that
> for the following reasons:
> 1. It's scary to have Spark recursively deleting user files, could
> easily lead to users deleting data by mistake if they don't understand
> the exact semantics.
> 2. It would introduce a third set of semantics here for saveAsXX...
> 3. It's trivial for users to implement this with two lines of code (if
> output dir exists, delete it) before calling saveAsHadoopFile.
> - Patrick

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