Maybe your two workers have different assembly jar files?

I just ran into a similar problem that my spark-shell is using a different
jar file than my workers - got really confusing results.
On Jun 4, 2014 8:33 AM, "Ajay Srivastava" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am doing join of two RDDs which giving different results ( counting
> number of records ) each time I run this code on same input.
> The input files are large enough to be divided in two splits. When the
> program runs on two workers with single core assigned to these, output is
> consistent and looks correct. But when single worker is used with two or
> more than two cores, the result seems to be random. Every time, count of
> joined record is different.
> Does this sound like a defect or I need to take care of something while
> using join ? I am using spark-0.9.1.
> Regards
> Ajay

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