I've been playing with spark and streaming and have a question on stream
outputs.  The symptom is I don't get any.

I have run spark-shell and all does as I expect, but when I run the
word-count example with streaming, it *works* in that things happen and
there are no errors, but I never get any output.

Am I understanding how it it is supposed to work correctly?  Is the
Dstream.print() method supposed to print the output for every (micro)batch
of the streamed data?  If that's the case, I'm not seeing it.

I'm using the "netcat" example and the StreamingContext uses the network to
read words, but as I said, nothing comes out.

I tried changing the .print() to .saveAsTextFiles(), and I AM getting a
file, but nothing is in it other than a "_temporary" subdir.

I'm sure I'm confused here, but not sure where.  Help?

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