Can you key your RDD by some key and use reduceByKey? In fact if you are 
merging bunch of maps you can create a set of (k, v) in your mapPartitions and 
then reduceByKey using some merge function. The reduce will happen in parallel 
on multiple nodes in this case. You'll end up with just a single set of k, v 
per partition which you can reduce or collect and merge on the driver.

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On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Sung Hwan Chung <>

> I suppose what I want is the memory efficiency of toLocalIterator and the
> speed of collect. Is there any such thing?
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Sung Hwan Chung <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I noticed that the final reduce function happens in the driver node with a
>> code that looks like the following.
>> val outputMap = mapPartition(domsomething).reduce(a: Map, b: Map) {
>>  a.merge(b)
>> }
>> although individual outputs from mappers are small. Over time the
>> aggregated result outputMap could be huuuge (say with hundreds of millions
>> of keys and values, reaching giga bytes).
>> I noticed that, even if we have a lot of memory in the driver node, this
>> process becomes reallllly slow eventually (say we have 100+ partitions. the
>> first reduce is fast, but progressively, it becomes veeery slow as more and
>> more partition outputs get aggregated). Is this because the intermediate
>> reduce output gets serialized and then deserialized every time?
>> What I'd like ideally is, since reduce is taking place in the same machine
>> any way, there's no need for any serialization and deserialization, and
>> just aggregate the incoming results into the final aggregation. Is this
>> possible?

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