I rearranged my code to do a reduceByKey which I think is working.  I also
don't think the problem was that updateState call, but something else;
unfortunately I changed a lot in looking for this issue, so not sure what
the actual fix might have been, but I think it's working now.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Michael Campbell <
michael.campb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm having a little trouble getting an "updateStateByKey()" call to work;
> was wondering if anyone could help.
> In my chain of calls from getting Kafka messages out of the queue to
> converting the message to a set of "things", then pulling out 2 attributes
> of those things to a Tuple2, everything works.
> So what I end up with is about a 1 second dump of things like this (this
> is crufted up data, but it's basically 2 IPV6 addresses...)
> -------------------------------------------
> Time: 1402507839000 ms
> -------------------------------------------
> (::ffff:a14:b03,::ffff:a0a:2bd4)
> (::ffff:a14:b03,::ffff:a0a:2bd4)
> (::ffff:a0a:25a7,::ffff:a14:b03)
> (::ffff:a14:b03,::ffff:a0a:2483)
> (::ffff:a14:b03,::ffff:a0a:2480)
> (::ffff:a0a:2d96,::ffff:a14:b03)
> (::ffff:a0a:abb5,::ffff:a14:100)
> (::ffff:a0a:dcd7,::ffff:a14:28)
> (::ffff:a14:28,::ffff:a0a:da94)
> (::ffff:a14:b03,::ffff:a0a:2def)
> ...
> This works ok.
> The problem is when I add a call to updateStateByKey - the streaming app
> runs and runs and runs and never outputs anything.  When I debug, I can't
> confirm that my state update passed-in function is ever actually getting
> called.
> Indeed I have breakpoints and println statements in my updateFunc and it
> LOOKS like it's never getting called.  I can confirm that the
> updateStateByKey function IS getting called (via it stopping on a
> breakpoint).
> Is there something obvious I'm missing?

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