   Yep, HLL is an appropriate mechanism. The countApproxDistinctByKey is a
wrapper around the

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 4:50 PM, Ian O'Connell <i...@ianoconnell.com> wrote:

> Depending on your requirements when doing hourly metrics calculating
> distinct cardinality, a much more scalable method would be to use a hyper
> log log data structure.
> a scala impl people have used with spark would be
> https://github.com/twitter/algebird/blob/develop/algebird-core/src/main/scala/com/twitter/algebird/HyperLogLog.scala
> On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 6:16 AM, Surendranauth Hiraman <
> suren.hira...@velos.io> wrote:
>> Vivek,
>> If the foldByKey solution doesn't work for you, my team uses
>> RDD.persist(DISK_ONLY) to avoid OOM errors.
>> It's slower, of course, and requires tuning other config parameters. It
>> can also be a problem if you do not have enough disk space, meaning that
>> you have to unpersist at the right points if you are running long flows.
>> For us, even though the disk writes are a performance hit, we prefer the
>> Spark programming model to Hadoop M/R. But we are still working on getting
>> this to work end to end on 100s of GB of data on our 16-node cluster.
>> Suren
>> On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 12:08 AM, Vivek YS <vivek...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the input. I will give foldByKey a shot.
>>> The way I am doing is, data is partitioned hourly. So I am computing
>>> distinct values hourly. Then I use unionRDD to merge them and compute
>>> distinct on the overall data.
>>> > Is there a way to know which key,value pair is resulting in the OOM ?
>>> > Is there a way to set parallelism in the map stage so that, each
>>> worker will process one key at time. ?
>>> I didn't realise countApproxDistinctByKey is using hyperloglogplus.
>>> This should be interesting.
>>> --Vivek
>>> On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Sean Owen <so...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>>>> Grouping by key is always problematic since a key might have a huge
>>>> number of values. You can do a little better than grouping *all* values and
>>>> *then* finding distinct values by using foldByKey, putting values into a
>>>> Set. At least you end up with only distinct values in memory. (You don't
>>>> need two maps either, right?)
>>>> If the number of distinct values is still huge for some keys, consider
>>>> the experimental method countApproxDistinctByKey:
>>>> https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/PairRDDFunctions.scala#L285
>>>> This should be much more performant at the cost of some accuracy.
>>>> On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Vivek YS <vivek...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>    For last couple of days I have been trying hard to get around this
>>>>> problem. Please share any insights on solving this problem.
>>>>> Problem :
>>>>> There is a huge list of (key, value) pairs. I want to transform this
>>>>> to (key, distinct values) and then eventually to (key, distinct values
>>>>> count)
>>>>> On small dataset
>>>>> groupByKey().map( x => (x_1, x._2.distinct)) ...map(x => (x_1,
>>>>> x._2.distinct.count))
>>>>> On large data set I am getting OOM.
>>>>> Is there a way to represent Seq of values from groupByKey as RDD and
>>>>> then perform distinct over it ?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Vivek
>> --
>> Velos
>> Accelerating Machine Learning
>> NEW YORK, NY 10001
>> O: (917) 525-2466 ext. 105
>> F: 646.349.4063
>> E: suren.hiraman@v <suren.hira...@sociocast.com>elos.io
>> W: www.velos.io

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