No Sonal, I'm not doing any explicit call to stop context.

If you see my previous post to Michael, the commented portion of the code
is my requirement. When I run this over standalone spark cluster, the
execution keeps running with no output or error. After waiting for several
minutes I'm killing it by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal.

But the same code runs perfectly when executed from spark shell.


On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Sonal Goyal <> wrote:

> Hi Sarath,
> Are you explicitly stopping the context?
> sc.stop()
> Best Regards,
> Sonal
> Nube Technologies <>
> <>
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Sarath Chandra <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Michael, Soumya,
>> Can you please check and let me know what is the issue? what am I missing?
>> Let me know if you need any logs to analyze.
>> ~Sarath
>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Sarath Chandra <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> Tried it. It's correctly printing the line counts of both the files.
>>> Here's what I tried -
>>> *Code:*
>>> *package test*
>>> *object Test4 {*
>>> *  case class Test(fld1: String, *
>>> *   fld2: String, *
>>> *   fld3: String, *
>>> *   fld4: String, *
>>> *   fld5: String, *
>>> *   fld6: Double, *
>>> *   fld7: String);*
>>> *  def main(args: Array[String]) {*
>>> *    val conf = new SparkConf()*
>>> *    .setMaster(args(0))*
>>> * .setAppName("SQLTest")*
>>> * .setSparkHome(args(1))*
>>> * .set("spark.executor.memory", "2g");*
>>> *    val sc = new SparkContext(conf);*
>>> *    sc.addJar("test1-0.1.jar");*
>>> *    val file1 = sc.textFile(args(2));*
>>> *    println(file1.count());*
>>> *    val file2 = sc.textFile(args(3));*
>>> *    println(file2.count());*
>>> *//    val sq = new SQLContext(sc);*
>>> *//    import sq._*
>>> *//    val file1_recs: RDD[Test] =",")).map(l =>
>>> Test(l(0), l(1), l(2), l(3), l(4), l(5).toDouble, l(6)));*
>>> *//    val file2_recs: RDD[Test] =",")).map(s =>
>>> Test(s(0), s(1), s(2), s(3), s(4), s(5).toDouble, s(6)));*
>>> *//    val file1_schema = sq.createSchemaRDD(file1_recs);*
>>> *//    val file2_schema = sq.createSchemaRDD(file2_recs);*
>>> *//    file1_schema.registerAsTable("file1_tab");*
>>> *//    file2_schema.registerAsTable("file2_tab");*
>>> *//    val matched = sq.sql("select * from file1_tab l join file2_tab s
>>> on " + *
>>> *//     "l.fld7=s.fld7 where l.fld2=s.fld2 and " + *
>>> *//     "l.fld3=s.fld3 and l.fld4=s.fld4 and " + *
>>> *//     "l.fld6=s.fld6");*
>>> *//    matched.collect().foreach(println);*
>>> *  }*
>>> *}*
>>> *Execution:*
>>> *export CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_PREFIX/conf:$SPARK_HOME/lib/*:test1-0.1.jar*
>>> *export CONFIG_OPTS="-Dspark.jars=test1-0.1.jar"*
>>> *java -cp $CLASSPATH $CONFIG_OPTS test.Test4 spark://master:7077
>>> "/usr/local/spark-1.0.1-bin-hadoop1"
>>> hdfs://master:54310/user/hduser/file1.csv
>>> hdfs://master:54310/user/hduser/file2.csv*
>>> ~Sarath
>>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 8:14 PM, Michael Armbrust <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What if you just run something like:
>>>> *sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:54310/user/hduser/file1.csv").count()*
>>>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Sarath Chandra <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes Soumya, I did it.
>>>>> First I tried with the example available in the documentation (example
>>>>> using people table and finding teenagers). After successfully running it, 
>>>>> I
>>>>> moved on to this one which is starting point to a bigger requirement for
>>>>> which I'm evaluating Spark SQL.
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Soumya Simanta <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Can you try submitting a very simple job to the cluster.
>>>>>> On Jul 16, 2014, at 10:25 AM, Sarath Chandra <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes it is appearing on the Spark UI, and remains there with state as
>>>>>> "RUNNING" till I press Ctrl+C in the terminal to kill the execution.
>>>>>> Barring the statements to create the spark context, if I copy paste
>>>>>> the lines of my code in spark shell, runs perfectly giving the desired
>>>>>> output.
>>>>>> ~Sarath
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Soumya Simanta <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> When you submit your job, it should appear on the Spark UI. Same
>>>>>>> with the REPL. Make sure you job is submitted to the cluster properly.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Sarath Chandra <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Soumya,
>>>>>>>> Data is very small, 500+ lines in each file.
>>>>>>>> Removed last 2 lines and placed this at the end
>>>>>>>> "matched.collect().foreach(println);". Still no luck. It's been more 
>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>> 5min, the execution is still running.
>>>>>>>> Checked logs, nothing in stdout. In stderr I don't see anything
>>>>>>>> going wrong, all are info messages.
>>>>>>>> What else do I need check?
>>>>>>>> ~Sarath
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Soumya Simanta <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Check your executor logs for the output or if your data is not big
>>>>>>>>> collect it in the driver and print it.
>>>>>>>>> On Jul 16, 2014, at 9:21 AM, Sarath Chandra <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to do a simple record matching between 2 files and
>>>>>>>>> wrote following code -
>>>>>>>>> *import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext;*
>>>>>>>>> *import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD*
>>>>>>>>> *object SqlTest {*
>>>>>>>>> *  case class Test(fld1:String, fld2:String, fld3:String,
>>>>>>>>> fld4:String, fld4:String, fld5:Double, fld6:String);*
>>>>>>>>> *  sc.addJar("test1-0.1.jar");*
>>>>>>>>> *  val file1 =
>>>>>>>>> sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:54310/user/hduser/file1.csv");*
>>>>>>>>> *  val file2 =
>>>>>>>>> sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:54310/user/hduser/file2.csv");*
>>>>>>>>> *  val sq = new SQLContext(sc);*
>>>>>>>>> *  val file1_recs: RDD[Test] =",")).map(l =>
>>>>>>>>> Test(l(0), l(1), l(2), l(3), l(4), l(5).toDouble, l(6)));*
>>>>>>>>> *  val file2_recs: RDD[Test] =",")).map(s =>
>>>>>>>>> Test(s(0), s(1), s(2), s(3), s(4), s(5).toDouble, s(6)));*
>>>>>>>>> *  val file1_schema = sq.createSchemaRDD(file1_recs);*
>>>>>>>>> *  val file2_schema = sq.createSchemaRDD(file2_recs);*
>>>>>>>>> *  file1_schema.registerAsTable("file1_tab");*
>>>>>>>>> *  file2_schema.registerAsTable("file2_tab");*
>>>>>>>>> *  val matched = sq.sql("select * from file1_tab l join file2_tab
>>>>>>>>> s on l.fld6=s.fld6 where l.fld3=s.fld3 and l.fld4=s.fld4 and 
>>>>>>>>> l.fld5=s.fld5
>>>>>>>>> and l.fld2=s.fld2");*
>>>>>>>>> *  val count = matched.count();*
>>>>>>>>> *  System.out.println("Found " + matched.count() + " matching
>>>>>>>>> records");*
>>>>>>>>> *}*
>>>>>>>>> When I run this program on a standalone spark cluster, it keeps
>>>>>>>>> running for long with no output or error. After waiting for few mins 
>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>> forcibly killing it.
>>>>>>>>> But the same program is working well when executed from a spark
>>>>>>>>> shell.
>>>>>>>>> What is going wrong? What am I missing?
>>>>>>>>> ~Sarath

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