Hi All,
Not sure if anyone has ran into this problem, but this exist in spark 1.0.0 
when you specify the location in conf/spark-defaults.conf for
spark.eventLog.dir hdfs:///user/$USER/spark/logs
to use the $USER env variable. 
For example, I'm running the command with user 'test'.
In spark-submit, the folder will be created on-the-fly and you will see the 
event logs created on HDFS /user/test/spark/logs/spark-pi-1405097484152
but in spark-shell, the user 'test' folder is not created, and you will see 
this /user/$USER/spark/logs on HDFS. It will try to create 
/user/$USER/spark/logs instead of /user/test/spark/logs.
It looks like spark-shell couldn't pick up the env variable $USER to apply for 
the eventLog directory for the running user 'test'.
Is this considered a bug or bad practice to use spark-shell with Spark's 


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