After playing around with mapPartition I think this does exactly what I want. I can pass in a function to mapPartition that looks like this:

        def f1(iter: Iterator[String]): Iterator[MyIndex] = {
            val idx: MyIndex = new MyIndex()
            while (iter.hasNext) {
                val text: String =;

        val indexRDD: RDD[MyIndex] = rdd.mapPartitions(f1, true)

Now I can perform a match operation like so:

val matchRdd: RDD[Match] = indexRDD.flatMap(index => index.`match`(myquery))

I'm sure it won't take much imagination to figure out how to the the matching in a batch way.

If anyone has done anything along these lines I'd love to have some feedback.


On 08/04/2014 09:46 AM, Philip Ogren wrote:
This looks like a really cool feature and it seems likely that this will be extremely useful for things we are doing. However, I'm not sure it is quite what I need here. With an inverted index you don't actually look items up by their keys but instead try to match against some input string. So, if I created an inverted index on 1M strings/documents in a single JVM I could subsequently submit a string-valued query to retrieve the n-best matches. I'd like to do something like build ten 1M string/document indexes across ten nodes, submit a string-valued query to each of the ten indexes and aggregate the n-best matches from the ten sets of results. Would this be possible with IndexedRDD or some other feature of Spark?


On 08/01/2014 04:26 PM, Ankur Dave wrote:
At 2014-08-01 14:50:22 -0600, Philip Ogren <> wrote:
It seems that I could do this with mapPartition so that each element in a
partition gets added to an index for that partition.
Would it then be possible to take a string and query each partition's index with it? Or better yet, take a batch of strings and query each string in the
batch against each partition's index?
I proposed a key-value store based on RDDs called IndexedRDD that does exactly what you described. It uses mapPartitions to construct an index within each partition, then exposes get and multiget methods to allow looking up values associated with given keys.

It will hopefully make it into Spark 1.2.0. Until then you can try it out by merging in the pull request locally:

See JIRA for details and slides on how it works:


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