Looks like 1 worker is doing the job. Can you repartition the RDD? Also
what is the number of cores that you allocated? Things like this, you can
easily identify by looking at the workers webUI (default worker:8081)

Best Regards

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Laird, Benjamin <
benjamin.la...@capitalone.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm doing some testing on a small dataset (HadoopRDD, 2GB, ~10M records),
> with a cluster of 3 nodes
> Simple calculations like count take approximately 5s when using the
> default value of executor.memory (512MB). When I scale this up to 2GB,
> several Tasks take 1m or more (while most still are <1s), and tasks hang
> indefinitely if I set it to 4GB or higher.
> While these worker nodes aren't very powerful, they seem to have enough
> RAM to handle this:
> Running 'free –m' shows I have >7GB free on each worker.
> Any tips on why these jobs would hang when given more available RAM?
> Thanks
> Ben
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