I’ve put my Spark JAR into HDFS, and specify the SPARK_JAR variable to point to 
the HDFS location of the jar.  I’m not using any specialized configuration 
files (like spark-env.sh), but rather setting things either by environment 
variable per node, passing application arguments to the job, or making a 
Zookeeper connection from my job to seed properties.  From there, I can 
construct a SparkConf as necessary.


On Sep 2, 2014, at 9:06 AM, Greg Hill <greg.h...@rackspace.com> wrote:

> I'm working on setting up Spark on YARN using the HDP technical preview - 
> http://hortonworks.com/kb/spark-1-0-1-technical-preview-hdp-2-1-3/
> I have installed the Spark JARs on all the slave nodes and configured YARN to 
> find the JARs.  It seems like everything is working.
> Unless I'm misunderstanding, it seems like there isn't any configuration 
> required on the YARN slave nodes at all, apart from telling YARN where to 
> find the Spark JAR files.  Do the YARN processes even pick up local Spark 
> configuration files on the slave nodes, or is that all just pulled in on the 
> client and passed along to YARN?
> Greg

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