
  In the app below, when I run it with local[1] or local [3], I get the 
expected result - a list of the square roots of the numbers from 1 to 20.
 When I try the same app as standalone with one or two workers on the same 
machine, it will only print 1.0.
  Adding print statements into the reduce function reveals that three times it 
calculated Set(1.0) ++ Set(1.0) to yield Set(1.0).
  Any ideas? Thanks!

     Best, Oliver

Oliver Ruebenacker | Solutions Architect

290 Congress St, 7th Floor | Boston, Massachusetts 02210
P: (617) 728-5582 | ext: 275585
oliver.ruebenac...@altisource.com<mailto:oliver.ruebenac...@altisource.com> | 

package sandbox

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext

object SquareRoots extends App {

  def sqrt(x: Double, nIters: Long) = {
    var iIter: Long = 0
    var root = 1.0
    while (iIter < nIters) {
      iIter += 1
      root = 0.5 * (root + x / root)

  def format(x:Double) :String = {
    val string = "" + x
    if(string.length > 5) { string.substring(0,5) } else { string }

  val nNums = 20
  val nIters = 1000000000 // for 1e9, runs about 50-55 secs per stage on my 
laptop with --master local[4]
  val nStages = 10

  System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:\\Users\\ruebenac\\winutil\\")

  val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Square roots")
  val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

  val logPrefix = " [###] "

  def log(line: String) = { println(logPrefix + line) }

  log("Let's go!")
  for (iStage <- 0 to nStages) {
    log("Starting stage " + iStage)
    val nums = sc.parallelize((1 to nNums).map(_.toDouble))
    val roots = nums.map(sqrt(_, nIters)).map(Set(_)).reduce((roots1, roots2) 
=> roots1 ++ roots2).toList.sorted
    log("Square roots from 1 to " + nNums + " in " + nIters + " iterations:")
    log(roots.map(format(_)).mkString(" "))
    log("Completed stage " + iStage)

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