Thanks, :)

but I am wondering if there is a message(none?) sent to the target vertex(the 
rank change is less than tolerance) in below dynamic page rank implementation,

 def sendMessage(edge: EdgeTriplet[(Double, Double), Double]) = {
      if (edge.srcAttr._2 > tol) {
        Iterator((edge.dstId, edge.srcAttr._2 * edge.attr))
      } else {

so, in this case, there is a message, even is none, is still sent? or not?


On 16 Sep 2014, at 11:48, Ankur Dave <> wrote:

> At 2014-09-16 10:55:37 +0200, Yifan LI <> wrote:
>> - from [1], and my understanding, the existing inactive feature in graphx 
>> pregel api is “if there is no in-edges, from active vertex, to this vertex, 
>> then we will say this one is inactive”, right?
> Well, that's true when messages are only sent forward along edges (from the 
> source to the destination) and the activeDirection is EdgeDirection.Out. If 
> both of these conditions are true, then a vertex without in-edges cannot 
> receive a message, and therefore its vertex program will never run and a 
> message will never be sent along its out-edges. PageRank is an application 
> that satisfies both the conditions.
>> For instance, there is a graph in which every vertex has at least one 
>> in-edges, then we run static Pagerank on it for 10 iterations. During this 
>> calculation, is there any vertex would be set inactive?
> No: since every vertex always sends a message in static PageRank, if every 
> vertex has an in-edge, it will always receive a message and will remain 
> active.
> In fact, this is why I recently rewrote static PageRank not to use Pregel 
> [3]. Assuming that most vertices do have in-edges, it's unnecessary to track 
> active vertices, which can provide a big savings.
>> - for more “explicit active vertex tracking”, e.g. vote to halt, how to 
>> achieve it in existing api?
>> (I am not sure I got the point of [2], that “vote” function has already been 
>> introduced in graphx pregel api? )
> The current Pregel API effectively makes every vertex vote to halt in every 
> superstep. Therefore only vertices that receive messages get awoken in the 
> next superstep.
> Instead, [2] proposes to make every vertex run by default in every superstep 
> unless it votes to halt *and* receives no messages. This allows a vertex to 
> have more control over whether or not it will run, rather than leaving that 
> entirely up to its neighbors.
> Ankur
>>> [1] 
>>> [2]
> [3]

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