
Thank you very much for release the H2 version and now my app compiles
file and there is no more runtime error wrt. hadoop 1.x class or interface.


On Saturday, October 4, 2014 9:47 AM, Rohit Rai <> wrote:

Hi Tian,

We have published a build against Hadoop 2.0 with version 1.1.0-CTP-U2-H2

Let us know how your testing goes.


Founder & CEO, Tuplejump, Inc.
www.tuplejump.comThe Data Engineering Platform

On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 3:49 AM, tian zhang <> wrote:

Hi, Rohit,
>Thank you for sharing this good news.
>I have some relevant issue that I would like to ask your help.
>I am using spark 1.1.0 and I have a spark application using 
>"com.tuplejump"% "calliope-core_2.10"% "1.1.0-CTP-U2",
>At runtime there are following errors that seem indicate that 
>calliope package is compiled with hadoop 1.x and spark is running on hadoop 
>Can you release a new version of calliope so that it will be compatible with 
>spark 1.1.0?
>Thanks. here is the error details.
>Found interface (hadoop 2.x)
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext, but class (hadoop 1.x) was
> com.tuplejump.calliope.hadoop.cql3.CqlRecordReader.initialize(
>On Friday, October 3, 2014 11:15 AM, Rohit Rai <> wrote:
>Hi All,
>An year ago we started this journey and laid the path for Spark + Cassandra 
>stack. We established the ground work and direction for Spark Cassandra 
>connectors and we have been happy seeing the results.
>With Spark 1.1.0 and SparkSQL release, we its time to take Calliope to the 
>logical next level also paving the way for much more advanced functionality to 
>Yesterday we released Calliope 1.1.0 Community Tech Preview, which brings 
>Native SparkSQL support for Cassandra. The further details are available here.
>This release showcases in core spark-sql, hiveql and HiveThriftServer support. 
>I differentiate it as "native" spark-sql integration as it doesn't rely on 
>Cassandra's hive connectors (like Cash or DSE) and saves a level of 
>indirection through Hive. 
>It also allows us to harness Spark's analyzer and optimizer in future to work 
>out the best execution plan targeting a balance between Cassandra's querying 
>restrictions and Sparks in memory processing.
>As far as we know this it the first and only third party datastore connector 
>for SparkSQL. This is a CTP release as it relies on Spark internals that still 
>don't have/stabilized a developer API and we will work with the Spark 
>Community in documenting the requirements and working towards a standard and 
>stable API for third party data store integration.
>On another note, we no longer require you to signup to access the early access 
>code repository.
>Inviting all of you try it and give us your valuable feedback.
>Founder & CEO, Tuplejump, Inc.
>www.tuplejump.comThe Data Engineering Platform

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