BTW several people asked about registration and student passes. Registration 
will open in a few weeks, and like in previous Spark Summits, I expect there to 
be a special pass for students.


> On Oct 18, 2014, at 9:52 PM, Matei Zaharia <> wrote:
> After successful events in the past two years, the Spark Summit conference 
> has expanded for 2015, offering both an event in New York on March 18-19 and 
> one in San Francisco on June 15-17. The conference is a great chance to meet 
> people from throughout the Spark community and see the latest news, tips and 
> use cases.
> Submissions are now open for Spark Summit East 2015, to be held in New York 
> on March 18-19. If you’d like to give a talk on use cases, neat applications, 
> or ongoing Spark development, submit your talk online today at 
> Submissions 
> will be open until December 6th, 2014.
> If you missed this year’s Spark Summit, you can still find videos from all 
> talks online at
> Hope to see you there,
> Matei

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